sinopsis dari novel Dear Nathan

           short story about the novel dear nathan

   Title:Dear Nathan

Author:Erisca Febriani

Publisher:Best Media

Number of Pages:520

Print Year:2016      


Salma (Amanda Rawles) is a transfer student at Garuda High School. One morning he is late for the flag ceremony and a student named Nathan (Jefri Nichol), who is known as a thug student who likes to fight, saves him from punishment. Salma, who is determined to be selective in choosing friends, tries to stay away from Nathan, but Nathan actually makes a scene at the school by openly pursuing Salma's love. Salma tries various ways to escape, but the more she stays away, the more she is faced with opportunity after chance to understand Nathan's past and slowly fall in love. When Nathan begins to open up and wants to change for Salma, Nathan's past lover, Seli (Denira Wiraguna), comes to ask for his love back.--wikipedia--


aIt tells the story of a girl who comes from Bandung, she goes to SMA Garuda

her name is Salma Alvira. In Salma's first week of school she was late for the ceremony that's when she met Nathan who was also late for school.

In the following days they began to get close until it turned out that Nathan had a problem that made his closeness with Salma begin to drift apart.

and at that moment it was discovered that Nathan had a family problem that caused the man to leave the house.

Then how will Nathan and Salma's relationship continue, will they stay together or vice versa? Then how is Nathan with his family?
the full story is in the novel "Dear Nathan".

by:Maya auliya


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